e premte, 13 prill 2007


Juicy magazine never failed to bring their viewers the best celebrity gossips—for 10 years they have documented every celebrity in town, from their rise to their fall and they never left out the details. Although the pictures are authentic, some of the stories are cooked by their team of talented reporters. Like when singer The Son was photographed with another women (who was actually his agent) and with the right photo along with the headline reading "Is he cheating on his wife?" the magazine sold millions. A big gain for them but a loss for him since his wife filed for divorce and many of his fans abandoned him. Juicy magazine doesn't care about the damages they cause, they only care about the instant profits they make from it. Lately their main focus has been on the newest pop singer Nhu Loan. Her wild antics and private life has left them laughing to the bank. With their photographers constantly hiding out at her apartment and following her around, every image can be a story.
New photographs arrived at the editor's desk. He pulled them out and took a look at them.
"Perfect," he exclaimed, "Run it for tomorrow's issue, he marked a letter X on the corner of the photo he has chosen and hand it to a worker.

(Nhu Loan)
It was almost noon and yet Nhu Loan is still in bed. She was so exhausted from last night, when she had to meet her tour crew to discuss her tour and they ended up spending the entire night just brainstorming ideas. The sun has finally come out and it peaked through her curtains aiming straight to her eyes. Feeling bothered by it, she tossed and turned to avoid the glare but it seemed to follow wherever she went. Giving up, she sat up and growled, then jumped off her bed. She headed to the shower, got dressed and decided to go see her friends.
She knew the paparazzi were going to be there to greet her the only thing she can see in front of her are flashing lights and it's not her life that's flashing before her eyes. She wanted to get away but blocked by them. Frustrated that they weren't giving her space to go, she took her tote bag and without even thinking, began whacking a photographer that was in front of her.
"AW! AW! OH! AW!"

Of course that was a big mistake for her because the other photographers were capturing this on film and even though she did managed to go through and get into her car, with the photographer lying on the ground rubbing his head, Nhu Loan has just voluntarily made it into the next issue of Juicy magazine.

(Luong Tung Quang)
LTQ woke up late in the morning with a headache. He was lying on the sidewalk, his shirt unbuttoned and his jacket gone—along with the money he had inside it. At least his car was still there and the key's still inside his pants pocket.
These streets are a lot crowded at night than it is during the day. It wouldn’t be pretty if a fan saw him like this. But apparently, the sight of a drunken man lying on the ground is no big deal to the people around here. They just walked past him, not even noticing that he was there.
His phone rang. It was his agent.
“Quang! Finally! I’ve been trying to reach you for the last 3 hours! Are you at Franklin Theatre?"
“Heck, no! I’m…”
“I’m not taking a “no” for an answer. I don’t care if you’re bleeding or on fire, get your butt over there!”
“I don’t like the C.E.O. of that company. Besides, I’m in no mood to perform.”
“Well, then go over there and ask if you can come back some other day for the audition. I’ve got your paperwork ready. DO SOMETHING! I’m telling you, a lot of good singers are trying out. This production really knows how to promote people. If someone else get the spot, your career might as well be flushed down the toilet…”
There was a long pause before LTQ replied, “Okay, okay…I’ll come over there.”
He sighed and hung up. She was right. This could be one of his last chances, and he loved his career too much to let it go now, even though now may not be the best time to go to an audition.
He buttoned up his shirt and raced back to the apartment to change, trying not to think of what happened last night.

(Bang Kieu)
Bang Kieu was the first one to arrive at Franklin’s Theatre. He was always one of the first to go to work. He put down his coffee and newspaper on the table where the judges were to sit at and gazed at the stage for a moment before sitting down, thinking about how most of his life was tied into this place. It was where his first performance ever was held, when he was 5, and it was also when he got his first ever contract with a major production, which was Thuy Nga. Since then, he had never sung for any other productions and had not plan to do so in the future.
Bang Kieu decided to put his past behind and focus onto the present by taking a look at today’s newspaper. Across the front page was the bold-printed letters “KIM GONE WILD! AGAIN!”, and right below was a picture of her—Kimberly, the queen of all bad publicities which made her known throughout Mason City—making out with an Asian boy in a nightclub.
Bang Kieu only shook his head in sadness and wondered just how far people like Kim can go just to steal the spotlight.

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