e premte, 1 qershor 2007

Breakfast at Duong Trieu Vu's

Bang Kieu tried his best not to think about the the look of the child. The kid looked so much like himself. At that moment he no longer have any doubts. It was his son standing right in front of him, in the edge of being killed for who his father was and for what his father had done.

"What's his name?" he had asked.

There was no answer from Kim. She merely shook her head and tried her best not to cry. She took a few steps toward him and gave Bang Kieu a phone.

"Hello, Kieu" Said a wicked, familiar voice. "Long time no see. You're late."

"It was a long drive...and a long walk."

"Now, don't even think about it. You know me too well. The kid will die even if you show the smallest sign of disobeying me. Listen, all I need for you to do is to get me something from one of your old friend and the kid's yours."

"Why, Jack, why?"

"Shouldn't it be a 'what' instead?"

"I know what it is.."

"You THOUGHT you knew" Jack cut in.

"Whatever! But I thought you had it already. After all, you killed the old man."

"Well, it was a priceless duplicate. I need the real one. And since he's now dead, I need for you to find out where it is and bring it back."

"Marie will either kill me or die rather than giving it up."

"I'd take that you would rather kill your son?"

Nhu Loan finally regain conscious but she found herself in an unfamiliar environment. "This is not my bedroom, I know cuz I can't afford these!" Everything in the room looked like it came from France or Italy. Even the bed sheets are of high quality, it was like she woke up in a five star hotel. She heard voices from outside, they sound like Minh Tuyet and Luong Tung Quag. Getting off her bed, she exist the room and into the hallway. It was a beautiful home, fully furnished with one-of-a-kind artworks and expensive furnishings. Walking down the stairs, the voices becoming more clear--it was indeed Minh Tuyet and Luong Tung Quang. They both were on the couches. Well, Luong Tung Quang was laying on one couch while Minh Tuyet was sitting next to a complete stranger chatting away.

Minh Tuyet: "Oh my god! these lamps are real Tiffanys! and-and these are Waterford crystal glasses! I LOVE YOU! It's so nice to have someone who has nice taste"

Duong Trieu Vu: "Well, it's nice to be in company with a famous gifted..talented..BEAUTIFUL singer" (edging closer to MT)

Minh Tuyet: Don't even think about it!

Duong Trieu Vu: Ok...Hey there! you woke up!

Minh Tuyet: Oh Loan! You finally woke up.

Nhu Loan: Yeah...where are we? And who is he?

Duong Trieu Vu: Oh I'm sorry, My name is Duong Trieu Vu, I am a dear friend of Bang Kieu.

Minh Tuyet: Yeah he was getting worried about what happened to you guys and went to the hotel. He saw you knocked out and Luong Tung Quang in pain, so he took you guys back to his place and here we are! (getting up and raising her glass) reunited! Again! (sitting back down)"

Duong Trieu Vu: Oh take a seat (Nhu Loan takes a seat next to DTV)

Nhu Loan: Who were those guys?

Duong Trieu Vu: Well, the guy who shot LTQ is Andy. He's Jack's son, Bang Kieu's former boss-

Nhu Loan: What kind of boss?

Duong Trieu Vu: Um... Well, I'm not sure if Bang Kieu would allow me to tell you guys this.

All 3: What?

Duong Trieu Vu paused, thinking of what to say next and whether or not he should say it. "Let's just say Bang Kieu had history with the gangs around here and those things aren't easy to get rid of. He used to work in the Devil's Reject gang.

All 3: WHAT?


All 3: [quiet]

Duong Trieu Vu: Thank you. Well, anyways, Bang Kieu was an orphan. Jack took him in. Treated him like a son. Guess who's jealous?-Andy. So Andy developed much hatred for Bang Kieu. But, um.. an incident happened and Kieu left the gang. But as I said, you don't just leave a gang when you wanted to. It's impossible when you're Jack's right hand man.
And the other day, you killed Minh Tri--one of Andy's best men. Right now he's probably looking for revenge.

Luong Tung Quang: I wonder how that David Meng 'just happened' to hire him?

Duong Trieu Vu: Minh Tri works for whoever pays him. You're lucky that you're alive under his watch.

LTQ: Oh.

Minh Tuyet: But Bang Kieu mentioned something about Jack during his conversation with Kim. Where does Jack fits in the story?

DTV: Well that I don't know. I haven't talked to Kieu ever since he left the hotel.

Nhu Loan: Wait, what conversation?

Minh Tuyet: Kim called Bang Kieu last night-

Duong Trieu Vu's cell phone began to ring. He picked it up and left the room to answer it while Minh Tuyet went on to explain about the phone call. A familiar voice came up.
"Hello? Vu? I need to talk to you"

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